according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Rüdiger Ehl (address as below)
Despite regular careful, content control, the operators of this website assume no liability for the content of external links. Only the owners of the pages referred to are legally responsible for the content of their pages.
For the content of pages that are referred to by hyperlink, the operator of the respective website is responsible, the same applies to the representations of our corporate customers on this website.
If the content or design of this website violates the rights of unknown third parties or statutory provisions, we ask for a notification without any costs. Should a violation of copyrighted content be clearly visible, please contact us by phone.
Content that is rightfully objected to will be removed as quickly as possible without legal assistance being required to implement its interests.
If costs arise without prior contact, they will not be accepted by us.
By the above-mentioned legal instruction, we reserve the right to initiate a counterclaim due to the violation of the aforementioned provisions.